Thursday, December 3, 2009

Getting Hitched and Going Green


When Adam and I got engaged a couple months ago (October 2nd to be exact) I began to sift through all things wedding related. Ok, ok, if we're being honest I booked our reception venue in June but hey, we got a Saturday in the fall like we wanted. Even with 15 months lead time, we had to settle for a 9/11 date because it was the ONLY one available. My new slogan: "Born on Pearl Harbor Day, Married on September 11th".

I digress...I started researching environmentally friendly weddings and started to learn all sorts of stuff I didn't know. I figured this is potentially the largest event Adam and I will ever throw, we have nearly a year to plan it, why NOT be as nice to the earth as reasonably possible? What a great opportunity to educate myself, my family and friends, and small town vendors about what it means to be green. (Adam is possibly a little less gung-ho about the idea, but is supportive and plays along like a good fiance.)

How am I planning to make our wedding earth-friendly? Glad you asked! When picking a product or service for the event, I'm aiming for one of 3 philosophies:

1) Less is more.
2) Buy local/organic/fair trade/recycled/reusable...
3) Be charitable.

That's it in a nutshell! I plan to post as I make decisions, find unique ideas, yadda yadda. I'm open to suggestions and would love to hear your thoughts!

1 comment:

Kat said...

This is great, Abby! I look forward to learning tips and tricks from you so I can make my wedding more eco friendly, too. I'll be sure to share any ideas I have along the way as well.

Best of luck!

- Kat